North Carolina electricity producers said they will be able to meet a state mandate for generating power from poultry waste in 2014, after a two-year delay. However, they may be a year or more away from meeting a similar goal with swine water, reports the News & Observer.

The mandate, enacted by the N.C. General Assembly in the state’s renewable energy portfolio in 2007, was delayed in 2012 and 2013 by the state Utilities Commission after power producers said the technology was not ready and costs were too high. North Carolina is the only state with mandates for generating electricity from poultry and swine waste.

North Carolina requires that at least 170,000 megawatt hours of electricity come from poultry waste this year. The state also requires that 0.07 percent of power sold to retail customers come from swine waste. Those requirements increase in subsequent years.

Last month, Duke Energy Process and other power companies asked the Utilities Commission to delay the swine waste requirement for one more year. One of the companies, Dominion N.C. Power, said in a separate filing that it could meet that mandate this year.

Source: News & Observer