Immediately after the outbreak of hostilities, hog prices advanced $2.50 per cwt. Pork prices rose 2-5 cents per pound. Secretary of Agriculture Wallace warned farmers to move cautiously in expanding production. The National Provisioner predicted that pork imports from
Moreover, war’s ferocity provoked fear and suspicion during World War II, and meat plants were forced to deal with the very real possibility of sabotage and enemy air raids. This magazine in 1942 published a report advising packers on how to guard their plants during war.
“No meat plant in the
Fast-forward to March 2003 — President Bush informed Americans of the bombing of
Now five years after the onset of the war in
Fast-forward, again, to May 2008 — This month marks the 140th year since Americans began paying respect to the men and women who died in the service of their country.
In 1866, surviving
In terms of
We remember all the valiant members of the