A federal investigation into South Dakota’s Economic Development Office has been linked to the bankrupt Northern Beef Packers plant in Aberdeen. According to Associated Reports, two people associated with the facility have been questioned by federal investigators about the plant’s financial dealings.

Rep. Steve Hickey says it is a very strategic and effective office. He says the office helped Northern Beef Packers get started, reports KSFY News, an ABC affiliate.

"I know that the Office of Economic Development was involved in financially putting some money behind that and it went south. A lot of people were affected by that and so we sorted through some of that in Legislation the past couple of years to make sure those things don't happen again like they happened," said Rep. Hickey.

Whether the two are connected, he is not sure. Hickey says it must be pretty complex since we know so little. He expects a thorough investigation.

"I'm glad to see that they're getting to the bottom of it. It seems like federal and state governments are looking into it and if there's a problem, bring it to light. It'll be better for our state," said Rep. Hickey.

For more information about the investigation, go to http://www.ksfy.com/story/23846238/northern-beef-packers-under-federal-investigation.

Source: KSFY News