A 33-year-old man was caught trying to bring 385 pounds, or 35 rolls, of illegal Mexican bologna over the border. The illegal meat was discovered as the man was trying to cross the Santa Teresa port of entry, reports the Daily Mail.

Santa Teresa Port Director for U.S. Customs and Border Protection Grace Gomez said: 'This is a prohibited product because it is made from pork and has the potential for introducing foreign animal diseases to the U.S. pork industry.

'This seizure really stands out because when we seize bologna it is usually a small quantity or at most a roll or two.”

The man, a resident of Ciudad Juarez, stated that he had nothing to declare as he was preparing to cross the border. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers then performed an inspection and located the 35 rolls of Mexican pork bologna hidden behind the seat. The man was given a $1,000 civil penalty and released. It was reported to be the largest bologna bust since 2003.

Source: The Daily Mail