WASHINGTON – Half of American consumers consider at least one sustainability factor when selecting brands to buy or stores to patronize, a study said Monday.


According to the American Meat Institute, Information Resources Inc.’s study surveyed 22,000 U.S. consumers to determine the impact of four sustainability features in product and store selection: organic, eco-friendly products, eco-friendly packaging and fair treatment of employees and suppliers. A fifth of those responding were determined to be “sustainability drive,” taking into account at least two of the features.


The AMI said some of the key findings showing the evolution of the factors in consumer buying include: 

           Approximately 30 percent of consumers said they look for eco-friendly products and packaging in their brand selection

           Up to one-quarter of those surveyed consider fair trade practices along with eco-friendly or organic designations in selecting a shopping destination

           Nearly 40 percent of consumers search specifically for organic products


The survey also underscored the significance of sustainability across every consumer age group, the AMI said.