The American Meat Science Association (AMSA) announces Sam Davis, Katelyn Gaffield, Keayla Harr, Kathryn Hearn and Charley Rayfield as the Undergraduate Scholastic Achievement Award recipients. The Undergraduate Scholastic Achievement Award promotes meat science by recognizing outstanding undergraduate students with potential for a career in meats. The candidates may or may not have committed himself/herself to a career in meats but have demonstrated an interest in meat science and the meat industry. The Undergraduate Scholastic Achievement Award is sponsored by ADM. Sam Davis, Katelyn Gaffield, Keayla Harr, Kathryn Hearn and Charley Rayfield will be honored on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at a special awards banquet during the AMSA 72nd Reciprocal Meat Conference in Loveland, CO. 

Sam Davis
Sam Davis is a recent graduate of Kansas State University. He obtained his B.S. in Animal Science and will begin graduate school at Kansas State University in Meat Science. He has been heavily involved with judging teams while at K-State, including the 2018 Meat Judging Team, 2019 Meat Animal Evaluation Team, and the RMC Meat Science Quiz Bowl Team. During graduate school, he will assistant coach the 2020 K-State Meat Judging Team. Sam accepted an internship with Conagra Foods in their meat science research and development department and would like to pursue R&D in the future.

Katelyn Gaffield
Katelyn Gaffield is a University of Illinois senior studying Animal Sciences. She became involved in the meat industry through participating on the 2017 University of Illinois Meat Judging Team and enrolling in various meat science classes. She has since gained experience working as an undergraduate research assistant at the meat science lab including conducting an undergraduate research project. In addition to her experience at the university, she has interned with Smithfield in the Hog Production division and for Cargill in the FSQR department. After graduation, she will begin her master’s degree in Meat Science and Muscle Biology at the University of Illinois. 

Keayla Harr
Keayla Harr is currently a senior at Kansas State University majoring in Animal Science. Her exposure to the livestock and meat industries started at a young age on her family’s diversified seedstock operation and only grew through her involvement in a multitude of 4-H, FFA and national junior association activities. At Kansas State, Keayla has been involved on the Meat, Livestock and Meat Animal Evaluation teams, the meat science quiz bowl team and several student organizations. She has also completed undergraduate research projects, including a project focused on the palatability of beef top sirloin caps. This has led her to pursue a master’s degree in Meat Science at Kansas State following graduation. Keayla would like to continue to stay involved in the livestock and meat industries throughout her career.

Kathryn Hearn
Kathryn Hearn is an Oklahoma State graduate with a B.S. in Animal Science. Kathryn has been involved in meat science from a very young age, growing up as an Agricultural Educator’s child. Her father was a member of the 1989 Auburn Meat Judging Team and encouraged her to get involved with the industry. During her time at Oklahoma State, Kathryn received multiple honors as a member of the 2018 OSU National Champion Meat Judging Team including being named a first team All-American. Additionally, she has worked on numerous research projects for OSU Meat Science; Including completing an Honors thesis project working to improve the shelf life (specifically color and microbial populations) of multiple lamb products in the retail case. Within the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Kathryn currently serves as the Meat Science Association Treasurer. Upon graduation in May, Kathryn plans to continue her involvement in the Department by pursuing a master’s degree in Meat Science.

Charley Rayfield
Charley Rayfield is an Oklahoma State University graduate with a B.S in Food Science with an emphasis in Food Safety.  She became interested in agriculture at a young age growing up raising livestock on her family’s farm in South Georgia. Her involvement continued as she participated in various 4-H and FFA activities and led her to pursue a degree in food science.  After making the decision to attend Oklahoma State, she soon became involved in the Meat Science Association and decided to become a member of the 2017 Meat Judging Team. Charley furthered her experience in food science through various research opportunities in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, as well as through industry internships. She looks forward to completing her master’s degree at Oklahoma State and one day working in the meat industry in the area of food safety and regulation.

Source: AMSA