Join the first-ever American Meat Science Association (AMSA) virtual experience, where science and inspiration meet. AMSA will be welcoming the world’s meat science community to the 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST) and 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) August 3-6, 2020, via an exclusively virtual event sponsored by Empirical Foods.

This virtual experience is a landmark opportunity to network and learn from colleagues around the globe. During this event, attendees will have the chance to discuss numerous topics relevant to the meat industry, including current research and development, food safety, meat quality, alternative proteins, microbiome applications, responsible use of natural resources, and contemporary developments in automation. Our contributing speakers include academic, government, and industry scientists.

The 2020 ICoMST and RMC will include four days of intensive technical and educational sessions from leading international industry experts on a variety of topics. The program will consist of headliner presentations, keynote sessions, concurrent sessions, and reciprocation sessions, offering the opportunity to dialogue on important world meat industry topics. The synergy of a joint ICoMST and RMC event will be exciting. Your engagement is a critical ingredient needed to create an experience that fosters innovation, enthusiasm, and progress for meat science, meat scientists, and the meat industry. Please join us!

Virtual registration costs are as follows:

  • $200 USD – Professional early registration (June 18, 2020 – July 27, 2020)
  • $85 USD – Student early registration (June 18, 2020 – July 27, 2020)

Registration fees will increase after July 27, 2020. Late registration costs are as follows:

  • $275 USD – Professional late registration (after July 27, 2020)
  • $125 USD – Student late registration (after July 27, 2020)

Registration for the virtual meeting will include access to the live events and all the posted recorded material from August 3, 2020 until December 31, 2020. Only registered attendees will be able to access the proceedings after the meeting for the remainder of 2020.

The 66th ICoMST and AMSA 73rd RMC will be held August 3-6, 2020 online in the virtual format. For more information please visit: or contact Deidrea Mabry 1-800-517-AMSA ext. 12.

Source: AMSA