AEW Delford is pleased to announce that as of Feb. 1, Roy Mercer will be taking over as managing director of AEW Delford in the UK. Roy will be succeeding Asgeir Asgeirsson, who will be now be able to devote his time exclusively to his position as Marel Food Systems’ director of product development, in which he has been serving alongside his role at AEW Delford.
Mercer has been serving as corporate sales and service unit management adviser since the beginning of 2008, working closely with Larus Asgeirsson, corporate director of sales, on the management of Marel Food Systems’ sales and service units worldwide. Prior to that, Mercer was the general manager of Scanvaegt U.K. since 1988. He has extensive experience in our industry, both in service and sales, as well as in management. Mercer is married with a son of 31 and a daughter aged 28.