Cantrell has developed a Line Monitoring Control Panel that tracks vital information for a processing plant’s picking and evisceration overhead conveyor systems. The system can be fully customized for each individual plant’s needs.

The Line Monitoring Control Panel monitors up to 16 individual stop circuits per line for picking and evisceration overhead lines. It can check up to four evisceration lines and up to two picking lines for a total of 96 monitored points.

Among its other capabilities:

  • A built-in bird counter that tracks line speeds and total birds per minute. It counts and tracks total number of birds run per shift.
  • Operators can customize the names for stop stations for better accountability.
  • The control panel tracks the total number of stops per minute and total minutes stopped, as well as the stops and total time stopped per shift. It is capable of keeping a three-shift history record of total stops and total minutes stopped. The status screen displays which stop has been activated for every line.

The maintenance screens allow individual monitoring of inputs/outputs (I/O) on the controller. By naming each station, operators can easily identify what each output or input relates to on the plant floor. Operators are able to check outputs for blown fuses or tripped breakers.

The line monitoring system is capable of activating outputs from the main interface screen for troubleshooting. Individual help screens display explanations of outputs.

On the evisceration lines, the system conserves water by allowing the turning on and off of water valves to be staggered, which is actually controlled by the product on the line.

Cantrell leads the way in creating and supplying innovative solutions in the poultry industry to customers worldwide. With experienced and dedicated staff, the ultimate goal of Cantrell is to provide the best products, parts, and service available to poultry processors around the globe. For more information, please contact Cantrell at 800-922-1232, 770-536-3611, or visit the website at