A recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of grocery app Flashfood has shared insights into how rising food costs are impacting American households, and how families are reacting to the strain of tighter grocery budgets.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, prices for all food are predicted to increase 1.9% in 2025. As grocery prices tighten budgets for average American families, these survey findings reveal insights into the way US shoppers will approach purchasing and managing their weekly food expenses and daily meals in the year ahead.

  • Cost pressures: 83% of US consumers report that saving money is a bigger priority in 2025 than it has been in other years.
  • Focus on food savings: 81% of Americans say saving money on food is a priority for them this year.
  • Home cooking health and cost benefits: Consumers believe cooking meals at home is not only one of the best ways to save money on food, but also a healthier alternative to takeout or dining out (both 89%).

"In light of what we already know, which is that the cost of groceries is going to continue to rise, these findings offer really interesting takeaways for US grocers,” said Nicholas Bertram, CEO of Flashfood. “Consumers are going to focus more on cooking at home as opposed to eating out or ordering from restaurants to save money. This is an opportunity for retailers to think creatively about their tech offerings to make sure they enable the purchase of quality, nutritious and affordable food. The best, most community-minded grocers will turn this economic reality into a positive ... ”

Source: Flashfood