Ultimate Guide to Safety Apparel
1 | Aprons | 3 | Gloves | 5 | Helmets | 7 | Shoes | 9 | Vests |
2 | Arm Guards | 4 | Hearing Protection | 6 | Safety Glasses | 8 | Uniforms | 0 | Wrist Supports |
Alpine Gloves Inc. 3 41093 County Center Drive Temecula, CA 92591 800-888-4669 Fax: 800-977-9775 information@alpinegloves.com www.alpinegloves.com Ansell 3 200 Schulz Dr. Red Bank, NJ 07701 800-558-5859 Fax: 800-800-0445 www.ansellpro.com food@ansell.com Aramark Uniform Services 8 115 N. 1st St. Burbank, CA 91502 818-973-3700 800-677-6060 www.aramark-uniform.com feedback@aramark-uniform.com Artcraft Optical Co. Inc. 6 57 Goodway Dr. S. Rochester, NY 14623-3018 585-546-6640 Fax: 585-546-5133 www.artcraftoptical.com aco@artcraftoptical.com Azon Corporation 1 2 3 9 1420 E. Omaha Bridge Dr. Council Bluffs, IA 51503 712-366-9729 800-424-7664 Fax: 712-366-3734 www.AZONCorporation.com service@AZONCorporation.com H.L. Bouton Co. 6 11 Kendrick Rd. Wareham, MA 02571-1077 508-295-3300 Fax: 508-295-3521 www.hlbouton.com eyewear@hlbouton.com Best Manufacturing 3 579 Edison St., Box 8 Menlo, GA 30731-0008 706-862-2302 800-241-0323 Fax: 706-862-2666 www.bestglove.com vbunn@bestglove.com Bunzl Distribution 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 0 701 Emerson Rd. Suite 500 St. Louis, MO 63141 314-997-5959 888-997-5959 Fax: 314-997-0247 www.bunzldistribution.com jeff.earnhart@bunzlusa.com Chase Ergonomics 3 6 0 P.O. Box 92497 Albuquerque, NM 87199-2797 505-345-8488 Fax: 505-344-1426 www.chaseergo.com customer@chaseergo.com Cintas - The Service Professionals 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6800 Cintas Blvd. Cincinnati, OH 45040 513-459-1200 800-CINTAS1 Fax: 513-573-4232 www.cintas.com ebeld@cintas.com Cole-Parmer Instrument Company 1 3 6 7 625 East Bunker Ct. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 847-549-7600 800-323-4340 Fax: 847-247-2929 www.coleparmer.com info@coleparmer.com Dickson Industries, Inc. 8 2425 Dean Ave. Des Moines, IA 50317 515-262-8061 Fax: 515-262-1844 www.dicksonindustries.com contactus@dicksonindustries.com Eagle Safety Eyewear 6 4044 Dutchmans Ln. Louisville, KY 40207 502-897-1004 Fax: 502-895-0960 www.eaglesafety.com Encon Safety Products Inc. 6 6825 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N. Houston, TX 77041-4026 713-466-1449 800 283-6266 Fax: 713-466-1819 www.enconsafety.com ERB Industries Inc. 3 4 5 6 #1 Safety Way P.O. Box 1237 Woodstock, GA 30188 770-926-7944 Fax: 770-516-1980 www.e-erb.com Handgards Inc. 1 3 901 Hawkins Blvd. El Paso, TX 79915 800-351-8161 Fax: 800-777-0043 www.handgards.com Hantover Direct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10301 Hickman Mills Drive Kansas City, MO 64137 816-761-7800 800-821-2227 Fax: 816-761-0044 www.hantover.com contactus@hantover.com Hudson Optical Corp. 6 18 TV-5 Dr. Henderson, NV 89014 702-456-3529 Fax: 800-848-6871 www.hudsonoptical.com info@hudsonoptical.com Kimberly-Clark Safety Division 1 1400 Holcomb Bridge Road Roswell, GA 30076 770-587-8000 800-255-6401 Fax: 800-579-3555 www.kc-safety.com bhohl@kcc.com Koch Supplies 1 3 4 5 6 0 528 E. 19th Ave. North Kansas City, MO 64116 800-456-5624 www.kochsupplies.com information@kochsupplies.com |
MCR Safety 1 2 3 6 9 P.O. Box 171814 Memphis, TN 38187-1814 800-955-6887 Fax: 901-794-7622 www.mcrsafety.com WebCustomerService@ MCRSafety.com MPBS Industries 1 2 3 5 7 9 0 Meat Packers & Butchers Supply Company Inc. 2820 E. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90023 323-268-8514 800-421-6265 Fax: 323-268-6305 www.mpbs.com sales@mpbs.com MSA 4 6 121 Gamma Drive Box 426 Pittsburgh, PA 15238 800-MSA-2222 Fax: 412-967-3451 www.MSAnet.com info@msanet.com Nelson-Jameson Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 0 2400 E. 5th St. Box 647 Marshfield, WI 54449 715-387-1151 800-826-8302 Fax: 715-387-8746 www.nelsonjameson.com sales@nelsonjameson.com NEOS Overshoe 7 208 Flynn Ave., Studio 3F Burlington, VT 05401 800-335-0184 Fax: 802-863-6888 www.overshoe.com neos@overshoe.com North Safety Products 3 4 5 6 2000 Planfield Pike Cranston, RI 02921 800-430-4110 Fax: 800-572-6346 www.northsafety.com marketinig@northsafety.com Northern Safety Co. Inc. 3 6 7 P.O. Box 4250 Utica, NY 13504 315-793-4900 800-631-1246 Fax: 800-635-1591 www.northernsafety.com custsvc@northernsafety.com Omni Apparel, Inc. 1 8 113 Kingsbridge Drive Carrollton, GA 30117 800-951-2628 Fax: 770-838-1038 www.omniapparel.com oapparel@bellsouth.net Perfect Fit Glove Co. LLC 3 85 Innsbruck Dr. Buffalo, NY 14227 800-245-6837 Fax: 716-668-3224 www.perfectfitglove.com perfectfitglove@perfectfitglove.com Performance Fabrics Inc. 1 2 3 648 Monroe Ave. NW Suite 315 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-459-4144 877-MY-ARMOR Fax: 616-459-2242 www.hexarmor.com sales@hexarmor.com PolyConversions Inc. 1 3 7 505 Condit Dr. Rantoul, IL 61866 217-893-3330 888-893-3330 Fax: 217-893-3003 info@polyconversions.com www.polyconversions.com RefrigiWear Inc. 3 7 54 Breakstone Dr. Box 39 Dahlonego, GA 30533 706-864-5757 800-645-3744 Fax: 706-864-5898 www.refrigiwear.com keepmewarm@refrigiwear.com Samco Freezerwear 3 5 7 8 4225 White Bear Pkwy. Suite 400 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 651-638-3888 800-726-2690 Fax: 651-638-3896 www.freezerwear.com dbramwell@samcosportswear.com SAS Safety Corp. 3 6 2401 E. Willow St. Signal Hill, CA 90755 800-262-0200 Fax: 800-244-1938 www.sassafety.com Smith & Wesson Safety Products 4 6 P.O. Box 752377 Memphis, TN 38175-2377 901-794-3890 800-238-7120 Fax: 800-748-1669 www.smith-wessonsafety.com Titmus Optical Inc. 6 3811 Corporate Rd. Petersburg, VA 23805-9288 800-446-1802 Fax: 800-544-3406 www.titmus.com info@titmus.com UniFirst 8 68 Jonspin Road Wilmington, MA 01887 800-225-3364 www.unifirst.com ufirst@unifirst.com Wells Lamont Industry Group 2 3 6640 W. Touhy Ave. Niles, IL 60714 847-647-8200 800-247-3295 Fax: 847-470-1026 www.wellslamontindustry.com mkurtz@wellslamont.com Zep Manufacturing 1 3 5 1310 Seaboard Industrial Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30318 404-603-7574 877-I BUY ZEP Fax: 404-603-7742 www.zep.com sharon.carroll@zepmfg.com |