The new Click Watering system, offering excellent food conversion results by providing the right amount of water with minimal effort, is now available from Cumberland.

Brian Rieck, Cumberland product manager, said Click drinkers are constructed to be reliable, long-lasting and efficient.

“Preinstalled nipple drinkers and a simple push together tube design make for quick and easy assembly,” he noted. “Click Watering is designed to keep water flowing to the birds, not on the poultry house floor.”

Other benefits include:

  • Drinkers come preassembled to the tube to reduce installation time and save money.
  • Water flows from the center of the pipe to ensure stability and keep the seal leak- and contaminant-free.
  • The drinker is sealed by a stainless steel insert and ball. Through its natural movement, wear is uniform, providing durability and water flow reliability.

For more information, contact your Cumberland dealer or visit