WASHINGTON - The National Chicken Council has launched its Showcase of Chicken, which will recognize outstanding foodservice companies on its consumer-oriented Web site, www.eatchicken.com.
The first restaurant that will be featured on the site is KFC, and the company’s history, products and recipes are featured.
Visitors to the site can e-mail questions directly to Bob Das, KFC’s corporate chef. If a visitor’s question is posted online, they will receive a coupon for a free KFC family dinner.
“The National Chicken Council is pleased to have KFC as its first partner in the Showcase. KFC has developed great and very innovative products for its menu,” George Watts, National Chicken Council president, said. “It is most appropriate that KFC, with its long and close history with the chicken industry, is helping to launch the new Showcase,” he added.
KFC will be part of the Showcase through September. The NCC will feature a different foodservice operator each quarter. In addition to the new Showcase, eatchicken.com features hundreds of recipes, nutritional information, dietary news, and advice on handling chicken products.
Source: National Chicken Council