The National ProvisionerandIndependent Processorstaffs are proud to announce the launch of our completely redesigned ProvisionerOnline.com Web site.
This design is clean, concise and graphically strong, and it takes you, the reader, quickly to the valuable, insightful content you crave. All the while, it complements our print properties extremely well, as we build the editorial across both channels.
Some of the things we believe will benefit you, the reader:
1. Our Podcast Series has been a big hit since we launched it a few months ago, and it gets top billing in the Provisioner Multimedia box on the left. When you see an episode you would like to hear, click on the icon and download it. Then, save it to your iPod, mobile phone or MP3 player and listen on the go. Or save it to your laptop or flash drive to listen in flight! Our panel of experts features some of the most highly respected individuals in their fields, and that panel continues to grow and share best strategies with you, the listener. If you miss a podcast, they are archived on the Podcasts page for your convenience.
2. Our News & Analysis section has been reformulated slightly and features Web Exclusive, NP Exclusive and “on location” content submitted from shows and events that our editors attend. While other businesses might be cutting back on content and travel budgets, it should be noted that The National Provisioner is committed to being front and center in the field, in plants and in face-to-face meetings with top executives and difference-makers in the industry.
3. Our editor-in-chief and industry expert, Barbara Young, headlines our Blogs section, with the insightful “A Young Perspective” blog. We’ll be rolling out new blogs for other editors in the near future. The Internet is a two-way street of communication, and we invite you to share your thoughts!
As we continue to grow our Web content, I invite any of you to call or email me with any questions, concerns, suggestions or criticisms. Look for more innovative media delivery mechanisms to follow in the Multimedia section and even more timely Web Exclusive coverage.
Our No. 1 priority is to bring you the information most pertinent to your success, and while our Web site is growing, our print properties are growing right along with it. I hope that you will enjoy growing with us!