Ingredients Solutions Inc. (ISI)is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. In 1992 Dr. Harris J. (Pete) Bixler started the company that is now known as Ingredients Solutions Inc. The company was founded with a simple philosophy and business strategy:  Offer the customer more cost-effective carrageenans, consistent quality assurance, and technical support for their particular application. Today ISI is the world’s largest independent supplier of carrageenan.

“As part of our celebrations this year we would like to reaffirm our commitment to our customers and that they are at the heart of everything we do,” the company said in a statement. “As our product line has expanded to include xanthan gums and sodium alginates, our lab has also expanded to ensure the best quality control and research and development we can provide. From the formulation stage to the production stage, we are with you step by step.

“As the demand for all-natural, organic, clean label and reduced sodium products continues to grow ISI is committed to providing products that will satisfy these demands while still remaining cost-effective.”