A pair of reports suggest some positive consumer and market trends for beef and poultry.

Almost three-quarters of Americans who eat beef say they can’t imagine giving up the taste of beef, according to market research from Midan Marketing.

Among the top findings:

  • 88% purchase at least some conventional beef
  • 72% can’t imagine giving up the taste of beef
  • 68% purchase beef with production claims at least some of the time
  • 62% purchase premium beef.

The survey focused on a nationally representative sample of U.S. beef consumers’ views on 28 product attributes, ranging from:

  • quality claims including USDA Prime or Choice grade
  • production claims like grass-fed or carbon neutral
  • and sourcing claims such as locally raised or product of the U.S.

“Recent data from Mintel shows that 81% of American consumers eat beef,” said Bridget Wasser, Midan associate director of customer insights. “We weren’t surprised to find that price continues to be a major consideration for many shoppers when they buy beef.”

For poultry, a Rabobank report finds that the global poultry market remains strong, with rising trade levels and record-high trade volume at 3.5 million metric tons. Remaining poultry market challenges include:

  • supply concerns
  • high input costs
  • and avian Influenza.

For the U.S. poultry outlook, the report suggests:

  • poultry production is predicted to increase by 1.7% in 2022
  • and a significant drop in prices for breasts (down -7%) and wings (down -29%).