All Roads Lead to Atlanta
Everything poultry will be showcased at the IPE show, which takes place from January 26 through 28.
If you’re employed by the poultry industry, the end of January holds special meaning. It is time for the 57th annual International Poultry Exposition (IPE) at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA. The theme for the 2005 exposition is Changes and Challenges.
The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the sponsor of the event, relays that this year’s theme was chosen to illustrate the technological changes over the years that have exposed the industry to new challenges. Perhaps the biggest challenge of this year’s exposition will be finding the time to visit all the exhibitors, as last year almost 900 exhibitors were in attendance, and the 2005 show may surpass that figure!
One sure-fire way to cover the entire exhibition is to bring a large group to the show. And this year, there is an incentive to increase corporate attendance. USPOULTRY is presenting a plaque to the company with the largest number of attendees at the IPE, as well as to the company that has the largest percentage increase in attendance from the previous show. These companies will be honored on Wednesday, January 26, at 1 p.m. during USPOULTRY’s annual Awards Ceremony.
USPOULTRY figures show that in 2004 IPE attendance reflected good support from the poultry industry. The top 30 broiler companies in the United States were represented, and four of the companies each sent more than 100 people. On the turkey side of the equation, 20 of the top 24 companies were present. Forty-three companies with more than 1 million birds in lay sent people to the exposition, and all of the companies having 10 million layers or more also had some of their employees at the show.
“This is an excellent opportunity for companies to support the poultry industry,” says USPOULTRY President Don Dalton. “Funds raised at the International Poultry Exposition are funneled back into the industry in the form of research, education, communications, and product promotion. Over the past thirteen years, we have invested more than $8.5 million in industry product promotion alone.
“Employees benefit because they are exposed to the latest technology and attend cutting-edge educational programs,” he adds. “Companies benefit when their employees meet people from around the world. These are people who can help them uncover new ideas and potential solutions to issues that affect their bottom line.”
Educational program
Another way attendees can benefit their companies is by attending the educational program, which is being held on Thursday, January 27, and will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The program begins with Kellye Pfalzgraf of Tyson Foods discussing corporate culture and Bruce Webster of the University of Georgia discussing audits. The program concludes at 2:30 with an in-depth presentation on avian influenza. Admission to the educational program is free for anyone who is registered for IPE.
Registration for the exposition is required at a cost that includes access to all exhibits. There is an on-site registration fee of $50 at the exposition. Alternatively, attendees are encouraged to pre-register on-line for a fee of $30. On-line registration is available through Jan. 7, and there will be weekly prize drawings for those who register on-line with a grand prize of two tickets for AirTran Airways.
The IPE show is a critical component of the American poultry industry. For three days and nights every year, this industry congregates and takes over Atlanta. Everyone involved in poultry production is present at the show, from corporate decision-makers to marketing directors to operation personnel.
In order to find out how the industry fared in 2004 and what 2005 potentially has in store, it is essential to attend the 57th annual IPE show. See you on the floor (or at a hospitality event)!
Complete details on the trade show are available by accessing or by contacting USPOULTRY at (770) 493-9401 or