If I had an unlimited amount of time, I would be able to go to every conference and trade show I wanted to attend, sit in on every webinar that caught my eye and read every trends piece that was delivered to my inbox. I try to do as much as one editor can, but there are inevitably things that I must miss on account of work or family.

When I do have a chance to catch up on trends, the news seems largely good for the small processors. Eat local is still going strong. Natural, grass-fed, antibiotic-free and nitrite-free are all attributes that small processors can master.

What will the next wave of trends bring, however? We’re hearing more and more about meal kits, and the growth of plant-based meats is constantly in the news. Lab-grown meats aren’t science fiction anymore and may be closer to the market than imagined. Terms like grass-fed and never-ever are tossed around frequently, but will they be replaced by some other attribute?

What are you hearing in the seminars you attend and the conversations you have? What are the trends you’re keeping an eye on for the future? Most importantly, what types of articles do you want to see in this newsletter and the Independent Processor print magazine. I’d love to hear your feedback on areas that we should cover for the future. Feel free to send me an email at gazdziaks@bnpmedia.com with any suggestions.

Thanks, as always, for reading, and I hope we’re doing our job of keeping you aware of the trends taking place in the industry.