Typically, the Top 100 serves as a good indicator of how the industry has performed, and what the expectations were for the coming year. If the industry is going through strong periods, we will see record sales, acquisitions, expansions and other initiatives. If the industry is pinched because of high prices or a slowdown in the economy, sales drop and future plans become a little more conservative.

Even before the impact of the Coronavirus became fully realized in the United States, there were signs that the meat industry was starting to slow down. This year, respondents to our Top 100 Survey were asked to describe their more recent fiscal year’s performance. Seven companies called it their best year ever, while 13 more described it as merely “good.” These results are a reverse of last year’s poll, when 10 companies described their last year as their best ever, as opposed to six votes for good. There are still plenty of companies that showed impressive growth in the Greatest Gains List. However, the responses for this year’s report were more subdued than previous editions.

2020 Top 100 Index:

Naturally, the onset of the Coronavirus and its effect on the country have affected the outlook for the future. The first forms that were returned before shelter-in-place orders were more optimistic than the ones that were submitted later. The last submissions came when the effects of COVID-19 were evident, to the country in general and the meat industry specifically. The majority of this year’s respondents still have expectations of a better year next year (19 out of 32). However, 13 companies expect 2021 to be the same if not worse than the current year.

When asked to list the concerns for the next year, COVID-19 was overwhelmingly the top worry. Specifically, there were concerns about employee welfare, the impact on the foodservice industry, the aftermath, and the volatility of the pork market. There were other issues as well. Labor is perpetually a problem in the meat industry, whether it refers to recruitment or retention. Animal diseases, especially ASF (African Swine Fever), were listed by multiple companies. Other concerns included the beef market volatility, exports, supply chain issues, alternative meat products, lack of consistent and quality inspection, cost of doing business, and wage growth.

Meat and Poultry Processor Ratings of Last Fiscal Year Performance

Meat and Poultry Processor Ratings of Current Fiscal Year

While many processors saw the potential problems that COVID-19 can cause the industry, some saw a bright side. When asked to provide their greatest opportunities for the coming year, some companies did think that they could emerge from the pandemic as a stronger company or find growth in the aftermath. Other opportunities included new product releases, completing expansions or utilizing just-completed expansions, export markets, e-commerce and utilizing FSIS line speed waivers. NP

If you would like your company to be included in the 2020 Top 100 Report or the Greatest Gains report, contact Sam Gazdziak at gazdziaks@bnpmedia.com.

2020 Market Segment Reports

Select a market segment in order to view the report:

Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
OSI Group LLC 2,532 6,330
Hormel Foods 855 9,500
Branding Iron Holdings 401.8 410
Colorado Premium 357 420
Golden State Foods 339.5 350
STX Beef Co. 267 267
Jensen Meat Co. Inc. 198.5 200.5
JTM Food Group 159.8 228
Monogram Foods 115.6 467.9
John Soules Foods Inc. 106 482
ProPortion Foods LLC 80 160
George’s 63 1,575
Eddy Packing Co. Inc. 60 300
Abbyland Foods Inc. 54.4 320
Fresh Mark Inc. 25.7 1,287
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Mountaire Farms Inc. 2,323 2,323
George’s 1,480.5 1,575
House of Raeford Farms Inc. 980 980
Case Farms Inc. 821 821
OSI Group LLC 759.6 6,330
John Soules Foods Inc. 371.1 482
Foundation Food Group 240 240
Hormel Foods 190 9,500
Fresh Mark Inc. 103.0 1,287
Eddy Packing Co. Inc. 90 300
Monogram Foods 65.5 467.9
Colorado Premium 50.4 420
Abbyland Foods Inc. 38.4 320
ProPortion Foods LLC 35.2 160
Indiana Packers Corp. 24 1,200
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Hormel Foods 4,940 9,500
OSI Group LLC 1,772.4 6,330
Fresh Mark Inc. 1,158.3 1,287
Indiana Packers Corp. 1,128 1,200
Rantoul Foods dba Agar Foods 290.5 290.5
Monogram Foods 234.0 467.9
Abbyland Foods Inc. 211.2 320
Swaggerty’s Farm 157.6 157.6
Williams Sausage Co. 131.5 131.5
Cloverdale Foods Co. 97.6 122
Sunnyvalley Smoked Meats Inc. 93.7 104.1
Eddy Packing Co. Inc. 90 300
Trim-Rite Food Corp. 78 78
Burgers’ Smokehouse 77.7 84.5
JTM Food Group 45.6 228
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Hormel Foods 1,900 9,500
Dakota Provisions LLC 208.3 267
OSI Group LLC 63.3 6,330
Eddy Packing Co. Inc. 60 300
Monogram Foods 51.5 467.9
Indiana Packers Corp. 36 1,200
JTM Food Group 22.8 228
Abbyland Foods Inc. 16 320
George’s 15.8 1,575
Sunnyvalley Smoked Meats Inc. 10.4 104.1
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Hormel Foods 570 9,500
OSI Group LLC 506.4 6,330
Mountaire Farms Inc. 305.9 2,323
Indiana Packers Corp. 240 1,200
Fresh Mark Inc. 128.7 1,287
Case Farms Inc. 114.9 821
House of Raeford Farms Inc. 107.8 980
Rantoul Foods dba Agar Foods 87.2 290.5
Dakota Provisions LLC 80.1 267
George’s 78.8 1,575
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Hormel Foods 1,425 9,500
OSI Group LLC 316.5 6,330
George’s 315 1,575
Colorado Premium 42 420
Carl Buddig Co. 35.3 705
ProPortion Foods LLC 24 160
Dakota Provisions LLC 13.4 267
Foundation Food Group 12 240
John Soules Foods Inc. 4.8 482
Jensen Meat Co. Inc. 2.0 200.5
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Hormel Foods 2,280 9,500
Monogram Foods 201.1 467.9
Fresh Mark Inc. 167.3 1,287
Abbyland Foods Inc. 16 320
Burgers’ Smokehouse 8.5 84.5
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
Hormel Foods 6,650 9,500
George’s 1,102.5 1,575
Indiana Packers Corp. 960 1,200
Fresh Mark Inc. 900.9 1,287
House of Raeford Farms Inc. 842.8 980
Case Farms Inc. 591.1 821
OSI Group LLC 506.4 6,330
Colorado Premium 252 420
STX Beef Co. 227 267
Eddy Packing Co. Inc. 210 300
Company Sales in Sector
(in millions)
Overall Sales
(in millions)
OSI Group LLC 5,823.6 6,330
Hormel Foods 570 9,500
George’s 472.5 1,575
Branding Iron Holdings 401.8 410
John Soules Foods Inc. 390.4 482
Golden State Foods 280 350
Indiana Packers Corp. 240 1,200
Case Farms Inc. 229.9 821
JTM Food Group 228 228
Abbyland Foods Inc. 224 320

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