USMEF hosted a team of producers and other U.S. agricultural leaders on a market exploration visit to Monterrey, northern Mexico’s economic hub. Mexico is the leading export market for U.S. pork and a key destination for U.S. beef and lamb.

The trade mission team received market briefings from USDA and in-country USMEF marketing staff before touring a packing plant and several retail outlets, witnessing USMEF marketing initiatives at work in-market and attending Expo Carnes, the largest meat industry trade show in Mexico.

“Mexico is a great partner and an incredible market for U.S. red meat, said Nikki Jackson, program director of international marketing with Texas Department of Agriculture. “This mission put us in front of the right people and helped demonstrate, especially on the pork side, the great potential this market holds for our products.”

The USMEF delegation included participants from Kansas, Indiana, Nebraska, Texas, South Dakota, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and the National Pork Board. The full list is available here.

For more highlights from the trade mission, see this video.

Funding support was provided by the National Pork Board, the Beef Checkoff Program, Indiana Soybean Alliance, USDA’s Market Access Program and Agricultural Trade Promotion Program.

Source: U.S. Meat Export Federation