At the recent IFT FIRST Annual Event & Expo July 16–19  in Chicago, a session titled “What Solutions in Packaging Are Leading to the Reduction in Plastic Waste?” tackled the currently popular subject of sustainable packaging. More consumers are becoming concerned about sustainability initiatives. To address this issue of sustainability, the industry can look to packaging solutions that reduce plastic waste.

This educational session, hosted by Yao Olive Li and Vivian Wu, featured panelists Richard Shaw, David Chacon, Emily Amat, Jamie Pero Parker and Melvin Pascall. To address the sustainability concern for consumers, Shaw advised brands to make their packaging more recyclable. Recyclability, though, is not a one-size-fits-all subject.

As Shaw noted, there is more than one way to recycle — one way is chemical/molecular recycling. As panelist Parker observed, there is not currently a global recycling system in place. Amat, another panelist at the session, brought up the idea of harmonization as a potential solution. This would bring about a consistency in legislation and its implementation. As another educational session at the annual event observed, though, harmonization is quite difficult between nations.

Panelist Pascall offered a thought-provoking notion for consumers to consider — to have more sustainable packaging, consumers will have to give up some convenience. Given the consumer preferences for convenience and value in their products, they must ask themselves: How much convenience am I willing to sacrifice in the name of sustainability?