Abeles & Heymann, maker of award-winning premium kosher hot dogs for over 67 years, announced that its all-beef kosher hot dogs will be available in time for the big Memorial Day holiday at Trader Joe’s stores across the nation.

A&H will be shipping its 14 oz. beef hot dogs to Trader Joe’s stores across the United States every week to keep up with demand. Each package contains seven premium quality all-beef hot dogs that are gluten free and contain no fillers.  

“I am very excited to once again be selling our award-winning hot dogs in one of the most beloved supermarkets across the country,” said Seth Leavitt, CEO of Abeles & Heymann. “For years, there was demand from customers all around the U.S., asking for our premium kosher hot dogs. We look forward to once again providing our hot dogs to Trader Joe’s customers everywhere.”  

A&H hot dogs have been ranked number one by hot dog lovers far beyond strictly kosher consumers. In 2013, A&H hot dogs were ranked were ranked best kosher hot dogs by secular Jewish new outlet, The Forward

A&H hot dogs can also be found at select Costco, national chain supermarkets and independent kosher stores across the country, year-round.  

Source: Abeles & Heymann