Chicago Meat Authority (CMA) began its “Think Green” initiative on March 17, 2008, with a company-wide goal of helping the environment and how the company affects it.

Over time, CMA changed and evolved the way in which it uses products, packages products and disposes of waste so that it is less wasteful and a non-participant in polluting the environment. In addition to “Thinking Green” becoming a part of the company’s business culture, CMA hopes its employees implement this initiative into their personal cultures as well.

The “Think Green” mission statement is to commit to environmental responsibility, demonstrating that we are good environmental stewards through our sustainable practices in reducing pollution and waste, using appropriate energy resources and materials, protecting the environment we impact with our product and services.

CMA instilled the philosophy of the three R’s (reduce, reuse, and recycle) to become better environmental stewards so that it may be proactive in environmental causes. Within the office CMA recycles metal, plastic and paper items. Office employees also double-side print documents, reprint on reverse side of paper, and file share documents electronically to reduce printing. In an effort to reduce electricity use, employees turn off lights when leaving a room and turn off their computer monitors when away from their desk.

A group of CMA employees, known as the “Green Keepers,” have the duty of helping their fellow employees to keep “thinking green” a priority.

“It’s about changing culture,” states Head Green Keeper Wayne Bartosiak, the IT manager, “and hoping that these work habits make their way into everyone’s household. As one company, we can only do so much. However, others can take notice and together, we can save the planet for our children.”

On the plant side of CMA’s operations, more recycling cans have been made available with signs encouraging plant workers to recycle more often. All box plants CMA uses for packaging are Sustainable Forestry Initiative certified. The corrugated boxes used to package CMA’s products are made from recycled materials with approximately 43 percent recovered fibers. Furthermore, quality control has ensured that all cleaning products are environmentally friendly while still remaining within the USDA’s regulations.

For more information on CMA or its products, please visit or call (800) 383-3811.