Jarvis Products Corporation offers seafood processors a fast, reliable pneumatic Pin Bone Remover that gently removes pin bones. Jarvis’ tool uses a unique mechanical picking action to gently remove pin bones from fresh, defrosted and smoked fillets (after rigor). This tool is used on salmon, trout arctic char, lake whitefish, cod and any fish with a similar bone shape and muscle. Jarvis’ Pin Bone Remover speeds the bone removal process, de-boning up to six filets per minute (salmon).

For more information about Jarvis’ Pin Bone Removers, please contact Jarvis Products Corporation: 860 347-7271; fax: 860 347-9905; e-mail: sales@jarvisproducts.com ; website: www.jarvisproducts.com. In addition to these sources, Jarvis equipment is sold and serviced worldwide through 18 Jarvis wholly owned subsidiaries, and Jarvis’ 26 Exclusive Distributors.